

16mm Film, DCP, 26′ 56″, stereo sound

A Composition of a human figure placed in a challenging position. The impossibility of the image is discharged into movement and sound, into a stream towards a freeform: of the performer, camera and image.
In the core of Present is a dialogue between control and reflex, choreography of stillness in movement. 
Performers: Keiko Yamamoto, Emma Hammarén, Vanessa Billy, Anna Maria Häkkinen, Pietari Peltola, Sini Pelkki, Villa Ruscica
Poetic text: Try (2022) by Emma Hammarén, Voice: Emma Hammarén
Cinematography: Pietari Peltola F.S.C.
Composers: Marja Ahti and Keiko Yamamoto
Sound Design: Anne Tolkkinen
Distribution by Av-arkki