Sini Pelkki is an artist working with photography, film and installation. She is interested in the subjectivity of the gaze, the limits and possibilities of seeing. Body, spatiality and movement as well as spaces within spaces and the lives they inhabit, matters visible and invisible to the eye. Recent years her work has moved towards different kinds of collaborations and interactions that have taken shape in photography, moving image as well as performance and events. Recent films include Present, 2024 (distributed by AV-arkki), Departing Shadow (2021), Is All (2021) and Sheet No4 (2018). Sini Pelkki received BA (Hons) Fine Art from Chelsea College of Art and Design in 2002 and MFA from the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki in 2008.
Contact: sini.pelkki (at)
Sini Mononen: Läsnäolo (Presence), in Finnish (2024)
meaningful meanings, Hippolyte (2021)
Improvisation, communication, disconnect / EDIT / Sini Mononen, in Finnish (2020)
Meet the Artist / Av-arkki (2020)
Sheet No4 / HAM / EDIT / Sanna Lipponen, in Finnish (2018)
Embarkation / Eleanor Wright/Sam Watson: Continuous material / text by Josh Wilson (2015)
Dimensions of Sharing / Overgaden / Privately Exposed by Elina Suoyrjö (2012)
Echo for Two / Hippolyte / Mustekala journal / Saara Hacklin, in Finnish (2011)
Embarkation (16mm Film, 2011) included in the exhibition Rock, Paper, Scissors, Kiasma
Opens on the 14th February 2025
Curated by Saara Hacklin, Satu Oksanen and Saara Karhunen

Solo exhibiton
Evolving Window, Turku Art Museum FI
4 October – 24 November 2024

Enter through the frame. Fit within the square. A blue metallic surface, with leaning shapes and angles. Watch it like an ocean and wait for it to move. Stay where you are. Hide behind your hair.
Careful: edges can be sharp and objects shifting, looking something other than they are. Colours may have faded, run or lost their power. Altered, but the same for one that knows them. Stay in place to make it better. Don’t disrupt the composition, even if it asks you questions you can’t answer.
-Emma Hammarén
Dialogues at EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art (FI), from November 2023
New exhibition of the Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection, features pairs or groups of works that engage in free dialogue with one another.
The artists featured are Henni Alftan, Rasheed Araeen, Jesse Darling, A K Dolven, Giorgio Griffa, Åsa Hellman, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Roni Horn, Emma Jääskeläinen, Lucy McKenzie, Olli Keränen, Christine Sun Kim, Lee Lozano, Leena Luostarinen, Sandra Mujinga, Rashaad Newsome, Berenice Olmedo, Sini Pelkki, Silja Rantanen, Maja Ruznic, Kain Tapper, Rose Wylie and Haegue Yang.
Sini Pelkki: In Reality, Present, Pigment ink prints from film negative, mounted on glass, textured glass, 2020-2021.
Olli Keränen: Black Leg (2020), Giorgo Griffa: Oblique Polychrome (1970), Sini Pelkki: Emergency (2021), Exit (2021). Installation photographs: Paula Virta.
Askelia ihmisyyteen – Approaching Humanity
Erno Enkenberg & Sini Pelkki, curated by Aura Seikkula
Helinä Rautavaaran museo, Espoo (FI), 31 March – 29 October 2023
Sini Pelkki: Is All
Forum Box / Mediabox, Helsinki, 13 January – 5 February 2023
Sini Pelkki‘s video work Is All (2021) brings together different elements, through which text and image meet as material and gestures. The work reflects on time, its transience and presence, through interpretation, repetition, and the resulting alterations. The texts in the work, read out and to be read, are Emma Hammarén‘s and Mikko Kuorinki‘s variations on Sini Pelkki’s photographic works, that are not named here. Pelkki in turn varies the texts again in her video piece. The words read aloud by Emma Hammarén first come to the viewer as instructions (do this, watch like this), but their relationship to the flow of the work is not that. Once more, with feeling, the voice says and together with the images words create again new gestures, new variations. -Petronella Grönroos
Departing Shadow is included in the exhibition Tanssi! Liikettä kuvataiteessa 1880-2020 /
Dance! – Movement in the visual arts at HAM Helsinki Art Museum, 25 March – 11 September 2022.
Review at Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish)
Curated by art and culture historian Hanna-Reetta Schreck and curator Arttu Merimaa.
The exhibition is on at Oulu Art Museum from 8 October 2022 until 15 January 2023
17 March 2022 at 6pm and 7pm
A Dim light blinking really far away in the distance
Screening at Titanik Gallery curated by Jordan Loeppky-Kolesnik
Rindon Johnson: Diana Said… (2019) | Ozhopé Collective: Row 1 (2017) | Abigail Lucien: Gentle Treatment I (2018) | Vijay Masharani: Command | Plea (2021), Thunder scene (2021) | Jordan Loeppky-Kolesnik & Coco Klockner: Jane Eyre, Los Angeles (2021) | Justine Melford-Colegate: ambition, suspensions, broken chord (2020) | Sini Pelkki: Length (2016) | Lewis Teague Wright: TOYOTA00 (2018)
at Cité internationale des arts Paris, Petite Galerie
21 January – 20 February 2022
ergs, Sar, igs
with Timo Andersson, Elina Autio, Maria Duncker, Miko Hornborg, Eetu Huhtala, Mikko Jalavisto, Saija Kivikangas, Tuomo Laakso, Benjamin Orlow, Sini Pelkki, Antti-Ville Reinikainen, Pentti Sammallahti, Astrid Strömberg, Marja Viitahuhta, Niina Villanueva, Laura Wesamaa
Glasshouse Helsinki 18 November 2021 – 8 January 2022
Curated by artist Anna Tuori
Sini Pelkki: A Replacement (2013)
meaningful meanings
Solo exhibition at Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki 3-26 September 2021

February 2021
Sini Pelkki & Jani Ruscica: Screen Test (For a Living Sculpture), 2012, 16mm Film, silent, duration 00:03:00. Installed from the collection HAM Helsinki Art Museum to Helsinki City Hall
December 2020
AV-arkki’s series of artist interviews. AV-arkki is the Distribution Centre for Finnish Media Art.
Departing Shadow
A Space for Contemporary Art, Helsinki
28th November to 20th December 2020 – extended to 10th January 2021.
Sheet No4 at Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2020,
Exhibited at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin on Sunday 30th August
additionally there will be an online screening of the programme.
Sheet No4 in “Protocol”, streamed on Sunday 30th August at 3pm (CET) . Free entry/access
Screening: Protocol / Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin
Embarkation as a Visual Overture, The Media Wall of Helsinki Music Centre.
Screenings: 6/11/12/20/25/26 March at 6.30
Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Visual Overture
Sheet No4 selected for Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2020,
Screening on Wednesday 26th February 6pm at Grand Palais auditorium
Screening: Protocol / Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin
Visual Overture, The Media Wall of Helsinki Music Centre, November 2019. Jani Ruscica & Sini Pelkki: Screen Test (For A Living Sculpture)
Helsinki Music Centre
Film screening: Relational Capacities
9 September 2019
Bio Rex, Helsinki
Films by Azar Saiyar, Laure Prouvost, Nazli Dincel, Sini Pelkki, Jacqueline Goss, Colectivo los Ingravidos. Curated by Rachael Rakes.
Frame Contemporary Art Finland / Rehearsing Hospitalities
Cafe OTO, London (UK) / 9 June 2019
A REPLACEMENT – Interactions and reflections by
Emma Hammarén / David Toop / Ashley Paul / O Yama O
Cafe OTO, London
Aller Park Studios / 14 June 2019
Film Screening and conversation
Aller Park Studios, Dartington, Devon, UK
Sheet No4
EMAF-European Media Art Festival No32, Osnabrück, DE 24.-28.4.2019
EMAF-Film Programme
Arranged Lines (2018) Photographic works in book form.
The Artists Book was released at Bookies 2018 held 23-25 November 2018 at PUBLICS, Helsinki
Sini Pelkki
Sheet No4
HAM Helsinki Art Museum / HAM-galleria
18th January – 25th February 2018
Body Building
Artor Jesus Inkerö, Essi Kausalinen, Reija Meriläinen, Sini Pelkki & Jani Ruscica, Aurora Reinhard, Iiu Susiraja, Niina Tervo, Masi Tiitta, Anna Torkkel, Salla Tykkä
Curated by Piia Oksanen
Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art, Turku FI
20th October 2017 – 14th January 2018
Sini Pelkki
SIC, Helsinki FI
28th April – 15th May 2017
Sini Pelkki
Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Turku FI
23th September – 20th November 2016
Eleanor Wright/Sam Watson: Continuous Material
Incorporating works and contributions by Eric Bainbridge, Paul Becker, Ralf Brög, Aleksandra Konopek, Sini Pelkki, Josh Wilson
Drop City, Newcastle UK & Durham Castle Museum, Durham UK
27th April – 24th May 2015
Yhdeksän elämän museo / The Nine Lives Museum
Maija Blåfield, Happy Magic Society, Mikko Kallio, Pasi Mäkelä, Sini Pelkki & Emma Hammarén, Pia Sirén, Miroslav Varga ja Ilona Valkonen
Guidebook to Yhdeksän elämän museo
29th November – 21st December 2014